Libra Love Horoscope


Because of lack of interesting we do not update Libra Monthly Love Horoscope 


When you have partner in love or children or any kind of relation, it is nice to have ability to see other side. To understand differences. It maybe to most important skill during the long term relationships and marriage.

But, there are one problem in it. Sometimes you could forget what you feel and what you wish. So, if it continue, you could become someone who just fulfill some another’s wishes. During the time this will make you unhappy for yourself and for all others.

So, don’t change your noble quality. Just learn to say no. Understand your partner, whenever he or she does good or wrong. But, put the boundary. After that boundary you have to take care about yourself.

Your ruler Planet, Venus, is in Taurus and Gemini in April. First half of the month, could be dangerous for you in these your tendency. You may choose, or already did, partners who tend to dominate you and want you to do things their way at the expense of your own wishes. Venus in Taurus also could push on that. It does not means that this kind of partner is not for you. It does not means that you have run away immediately. No, just use your own instincts. There no reason to shut up your own inner voice. True love never ask that from you.The second think which you could have problem is your indecision. You always needing approbation. It’s really not necessary. How can anybody else could know better which person is for you, and what kind of life you should live?

Moon, our deepest feeling, our answers, communications with our heart, is coming in your sign twice during this month. Stay alone with yourself. Understand what you really want. No what anybody others wanted, what you want.

It will be happen on the beginning 04th and 05th of April and on the end of the April, 31st.

In your heart you will find all answers. Just let him to speak. And listen…
