Horoscope for breakups: How do you survive romantic shipwreck

Aries is furious like crazy, Taurus grieves and it’s hard for him, Gemini is extremely forgetful...

ARIES 03/21 – 04/20

Although you have been dissatisfied in a relationship for a long time and aware that it's best for you to break up, you pride is slightly hurt anyway. You're angry and furious with yourself and the whole world. Yell and be angry as much as you want and try to blow off the steam that way, but increased physical activity would be of greater help to you, run until you are exhausted or find a punching bag and boxing gloves, and start hitting, hit until you drop down from exhaustion. With you this is turbulent, but luckily passes quickly.

Advice for Aries’s friends: Don’t be angry with your dear Aries, forgive them for their excesses, because luckily everything quickly passes, and they will be those you knew, full of energy and enthusiasm again.

TAURUS 4/21 – 5/21

Taurus are a fixed sign and somewhat inert, and therefore are not too happy when major changes happen in their life. If this is a breakup of a long relationship, it will be really hard for them, even if they weren’t happy in that relationship. They are able to take a lot, thinking that something would change in time for the better. When they get used to someone, they find it difficult to give up on them, even though they are aware that it isn’t good for them. They take break up very painfully, they are a little lost, because their way of life completely changes. They tend to neglect everything and turn to themselves, and often find solace in food, especially sweets.

Advice for Taurus’s friends: Be full of love and attention for your Taurus, until their depression is over. Start and activate them, because they will hardly do it themselves. At first they may refuse it, but be persistent.

GEMINI 05/21 – 06/21

Breaking up is hard for you, although you won’t admit it to yourself or the others. You are tired of thinking, because you simply can’t find answers to all questions. Good sleep will relax you the best and relieve. Try to think about it as little as possible, give yourself additional obligations, at least go on a short trip. Sign up for a foreign language course or any course; increased mental activity helps you the most.

Advice for Gemini’s friends: Your dear Gemini will act very strange, don’t even try to tell them anything. They will be extremely absent-minded, and mood swings will vary from one minute to another.


CANCER 06/22 - 07/22

The best therapy for abandoned Cancer is to be in the company of close friends. Move to your best friend’s for a few days, with whom you will be able to talk about your emotions. Don’t hesitate to take a good cry, because that will certainly make you feel much better. Try to get rid of the memories that remind you of your ex-partner, put them all in a box in the attic or in the basement.

Advice for Cancer’s friends: Understand your dear Cancer and be gentle with them. Be their shoulder to cry on and support in these sad days. Even if you see that they’ve gone too far in self-pity don’t criticize them. It will all pass and everything will fall into its place.

LEO 07/23 – 08/23

You are too proud to show others that you suffer so you tend to persuade yourself otherwise. This will only cause the opposite effect, you will constantly be angry and grumpy. The best thing for you would be to move straight away to some exotic place, to swim and lie in the sun, because for you the sun is the best cure. Spend money on expensive nights out and clothes, change your hairstyle, hair color ... be original.

Advice for Leo’s friends: You are used to having your friend always shine, but now clouds are hovering over them and their Sun has darkened a little. Praise them, cheer and give compliments to them, show them that you love them and just how important they are in your life. It will mean them a lot.

Horoscope for breakups: How do you survive romantic shipwreck

VIRGO 08/24 - 09/23​

Virgos need to manage their lives, because that’s how they work best. Breaking up with a partner throws them into depression - how will they compensate for a missing link now? It confuses them and makes them insecure. It is best to make a list of reasons why it is better off without him. It is also a good idea to make a list of activities that you will be able to do without him now, and you couldn’t see before. This will certainly help.

Advice for Virgo’s friends: Help your dear Virgo to analyze everything well, logical thinking will help here. If you see that it doesn’t help enough, convince your friend that it had to happen, so that there’s room now for something better that is coming soon.​

LIBRA 09/24 - 10/23

Libras are prone to constant analyzing so they know very well what they lose with a break-up, and what they get. That is not a problem. The problem is that they don’t work well alone, without a partner, so they need to get into a new relationship as soon as possible and thus risk making the wrong choice. Advice to Libras is to be patient so they don’t make a mistake. It would be better to try and improve their relationships with friends that they probably neglected because of their partner.

Advice for Libra’s friends: Get ready to listen carefully to your dear Libra, what they suffered and what they gave up. Their story will often be contradictory, but don’t try to correct them.​

SCORPIO 10/ 24 - 11/22

Scorpios completely give themselves in a love relationship, all the way, without any restrictions. Their love is deep, and suffering even deeper. Love loss for them is like death and they handle it hard. They won’t easily accept that they were left, they will fight for their love with everything they’ve got. They may become very destructive, most often self-destructive.

Advice for Scorpio’s friends: You have to become a good psychologist straight away and have smart answers to all the questions. Your positivity and enthusiasm will help take away the dark from your dear friend’s life.​

SAGITTARIUS 11 /23 - 12/21

Eternal optimists and idealists will be caught off guard for a moment in such situations.  Even though their relationship often presented an obstacle towards the freedom they want and appreciated the most , now they will feel great loneliness. However, they are the masters of rising above any situation and they look at the life from the philosophic point of view. They will pack their suitcases and head for new adventures.

Advice for Sagittarius’ friends:  Your friend will act strangely, they will be prone to criticize often and quarrel and they will be also prone to frequent mood swings. They may easily accuse you of something that happened five years ago, but don’t pay attention to it. Be there for them, take care of them, help them.​

CAPRICORN 12/22 – 01/20​

Although it seems that they perfectly deal with the breakup, they are actually shaken to the core. Something that they have been building for years has now collapsed and they find it hard to bear. You won’t see them whining and complaining much, they are more prone to suffer in solitude and not bother others too much. They want to stay calm and rational, even in these situations. They know very well that time heals all wounds. The most effective for them is to seek salvation in work as well as in spending time with friends and relatives.

Advice for Capricorn’s friends: Act as if nothing had happened, they don’t like to be pitied. Talk about it only at their initiative. Don’t let them be alone, make up some valid reasons to get them out of the house.


AQUARIUS 01/21 – 02/19

Aquarius won’t accept break up easily and they will want to remain at least friends with their former partner. That way, the agony continues, until finally they realize that it’s the end. It is best to spend time in the company of their friends whom they have plenty, to talk about it, there will be different advice, but all in all, they will realize that they are not alone and that they have a lot of friends who love them and to them that means a lot. 

Advice for Aquarius’ friends: Your cheerful friend became very sad and it’s your task to cheer them up. Suggest something wacky. If they haven’t jumped by parachute from an airplane before, now is the right time for it. This will help them feel alive and sadness will quickly disappear.

PISCES 02/20 – 03/20

You have suspected for a long time that it ends and now it finally happened. Your dreams are ruined and you think that you can’t live without your loved one. You don’t know what to do, whether to drown the sadness in the sea of alcohol or maybe go to the monastery and isolate yourself. The key word here is - faith. How can you now, when your whole world has collapsed, when your dreams are gone and everything you believed in and hoped now is simply lost, reawaken faith in yourself, faith in love? It seems almost impossible. Write the most beautiful love letter, the most beautiful love song, put it in a bottle and leave it in the river. And you’ll see, the magic will happen soon.

Advice for Pisces’ friends: Just keep an eye on your friend, because they can easily do something stupid. Don’t believe them if they say they’re fine, because the next moment they can be at the bottom of the abyss. Staying by the water would do them good, if nothing else, take them fishing.


Horoscope for breakups: How do you survive romantic shipwreck