Written 200 years ago: Check out the predictions from Eternal Calendar

People eternal calendar was a book written 200 years ago.

 What could be found in it were all kinds of interpretations, from fortune-telling to the sing-songs for a prosperous and fruitful year.

Something that attracts attention for almost 200 years is so called Rozdanik, astrological interpretations explained in simple, popular language, by which the zodiac signs were linked with the month in which they were born.

January (or Aquarius)

Those who are born under this sign will be very talkative, witty, of unpredictable opinion, that is, speaks one thing while having in mind something else. This sign is honest and candid, drinks a lot and gets frenzy and excited in a second. When drunk, this sign is ecstatic and dreamer, hugging and kissing everyone and serves as a joke to others. He will have a birthmark on the chest, shoulder, nails or shoulder blades. The fate of his being is the month of January, when his days will be happy and successful.

Destiny of this sign’s gain is February when his efforts will be rewarded, and particularly he will have a fortune in trade related to water. He will be critically ill in June, but will manage to recover. Marriage could happen in July and if that happens at that time he will be loved by his wife. But he will get married very young and his first wife will die, and only after 30 years of age he will live well having every pleasure. He will have pains in veins, knees and head. Death comes from water and therefore he must keep away from swimming, and if he succeeds in it, he will die a natural death. If he survives 25 years of age, he will live up to 70. The fate of his death is in August.

If a girl is born in this sign, she will be a beautiful woman, with a blond appearance. She is greedy and stingy and loves sleeping a lot. By becoming a widow with her second husband, she will live well. She shouts and talks whole day, she is cranky and easily become a vixen, while neighbors feel her bad temper very well. She should not eat rooster meat in February. She will have health problems with a headache and fever. Change of her life will be in 3, 16 and 26 years of age and if she survives these years of age she will not die before 76.


February (or Pisces)

Those who are born under this sign will be of average height, flat nose, thick lips, heavy body and short neck. He will be arrogant and drunk, but if educated well he will be highly regarded and decent. He will be proud of his education. He will travel abroad and will get many gifts from foreigners. He will get rich and be a good boss, will look after the poor and will be very hospitable. He will be cut on the head and will have a birthmark on the face, arm or head. He will be a good hunter. He is in danger of thunder and will be attacked by a snake but will not be bitten. In February, he will do very well and have a quite a lot of progress. In November, he will be sick, but will get well again. He will set his mind on a woman who has a husband and travel abroad because of her, but will eventually come back.

His wife will die, and he will marry another one. He will have pain in legs, teeth and eyes. His life is divided into several periods, but two are the most important: if he survives 9 and 28 years of age, he will live until 90. The fate of his death is the month of December and he should take care at that time.

If a girl is born in this sign, she will be lovely, will have pain in her legs in early age, will be a smart woman, kind to everyone and good to foreigners, of a brown face, rosy cheeks, tall, beautiful eyebrows. She will be sick in age 3 and 5, and if she survives, then she will have a long life. She should be mindful of evil people, should keep away from cold weather and will have iron mark on her head or mouth. She will have a good life, and many will speak well of her. She will have good kids, but one of them will make her sad. Other turnarounds will be in 10, 15, 25 and 30 years of age and if she survives these years, she will live until 81. She will have headaches.


March (or Aries)

Those born under this sign will be an anemic, good and faithful servant for a job, with short cheeks and a big mouth, wise, honest, of a heroic spirit and fearless. He is hostile and angry, but he overcomes these feelings in a moment. If he gets angry again, veins on his forehead get swelled. He will be rich and honest, but not for long, and after some time he will again deserve honor and wealth. But since he will often suffer damage, he will neither be very rich nor will he be poor. Because of good education he will be honored and achieve great recognition, will travel to various countries, but he should stay away from bad company.

The old tree will injure him, and he will become decrepit. He will have all the luck In March, especially on the water. He will live longer than his brothers and his parents. He will not be long with his first wife while he will have a lot of offsprings and all the happiness with his second wife. He will cope with disease and damage on each side in August.

Prosperity and lot of gains will occur in September and November. January brings success, while May brings damage and misfortune. He will have a birthmark on the head or the thigh and he'll love his wife a lot. His fortune appears at the east side and his life is divided into two parts: if he survives 22 years of age he will live until 69. The fate of his death is the month of October, and the cause of death is some blackness of his teeth. In the same month he should keep away from the smallest water and also from the places far above the ground. He will have pains in bones and vain.

A woman born under this sign will have a gentle face, brown eyes, nice to everyone and of mild nature, only in youth she will be sickly. If she survives the sixth year of age she will live for a long time, will be honest and descent house lady, prudent and sensible because of which she will be in mourning. She should not eat goat meat, will be poor sometimes, and will have pains in her knees and heart. If she survives 12, 15 and 36 years of age, she will experience old age. She will have birthmarks on shoulder and chest. She will have pains in heart, knees and teeth.


April (or Taurus)

Male child born under this sign will be fair-haired, with a big forehead, thin lips, shy, well-educated, and hardworking and well-intentioned in any job. He will be eloquent, but besides all this, he will be respected in his surroundings.

He will have a serious look and suntanned face. He will love games and other unrestrained behavior. His birthmark will be on his eyes or shoulder. He loves war and warfare, but can be deterred from that. He is of good soul and spirit, loves songs and music and will be good in keeping the secrets. He will ask no one for advice, neither will he listen to those who advise him in good faith. He will be a great womanizer, but he will not have luck with women, because he happens to be fearful due to excessive politeness towards them.

He has a fortune and gain in April. In May, his business has a lot of success. He will oppose to any, even the smallest injustice. If he is born at night, he will be rich, and if born during the day, he will be poor. While he will do good deeds, he will not experience a lot of altruism himself. He will travel to foreign countries, and he will end up being poor in the winter time, but he will manage to get out of it. He should keep away from bad company, because he can even get the fatal illness from them.

In January and February, he can be successful in trading. He will outlive his parents; will have offspring, mostly female children. His life is divided into two parts, that is if he survives the 8th year of age he will then endure 58 years of age as well. He will not have a friendship with fair-haired people nor will he get along with them. He will have pains in his head and eyes. The fate of his death is the month of November.

If a girl is born in this sign, she will have the same changes in her life as a male born in Taurus. She will have a flat face, cheerful look, strong voice, chatty, and will have health problems with head and intestines. She will be of weak spirit, intimidated by fire, will have a birthmark on the chest and head. She speaks little; she is in love, but it is like "Still waters run deep."  She faithfully keeps her word. She will have problems with head and abdomen.


May (or Gemini)

Those who are born under this sign will be a nice looking, with a clean face, swift, sharp-eyed, tends towards science and will achieve great knowledge, and that is why they can achieve a great reputation. He will be smart, gracious and compassionate, endowed with a great spirit, and will face the envy of his friends. He will be able to earn money easily and quickly, but he will not be appreciative for that and, therefore, will have trouble. Judging to his appearance, he is quiet, of short stature and open-minded, but when he gets angry, he talks a lot. He will be in the company of great people. Birthmark will be on his head or nails. He will often give rise to arguments, and in the middle of his life, he will suddenly become rich.

In September, he will get married, and his wife will give birth to twins. In October, he will experience impotence and weakness. In November, he will get married for the second time, and every action and business will turn out favorable for him. His life is divided into two parts, which means if he survives the 24 years of age he will live until 70. In April, he will have a lot of problems and damage from all sides. The fate of his death falls in December. He will have health problems with the abdomen and chest.

Daughter under the above mentioned sign is of beautiful and gentle nature, nice and proper stature, not talkative, do not talk behind one’s back but openly says what she wants and what she thinks of him, which is attribute very rarely found among women.

She will be full-blooded in her early life, and later she will have a headache and will deal with the court. She is thrifty and tidy, has luck in buying and selling; she does not know how to cheat, loves with all her heart and is above all faithful. She will travel abroad, but will come back. In the month of May, she should not eat beef meat, leek and roosters head. Her life turnarounds will be the same as with male born in this month. Birthmark will be on hand, leg and thighs. She will have pain in the head.


See also: Zodiac signs and love: These are the worst combinations of zodiac signs in love relations


June (or Cancer)

Those born in this sign will be reasonable; they like to be nice and clean, and will not care about education. He will have a complete and beautiful body, being white and gentle. He will be of variable fortune, will not care much about food and drink, and will not give a damn for lies and deceits. He will have a birthmark under his belt as well as the wound from a dog. He likes to be praised and plied; he is somewhat frivolous, but he is also a big supporter of truth and a friend of self-control.

The fate of his being is the month of June when his every action will be successful. He will end up in problems, but shall be saved. He will reach thanks to his hard work. He should keep away from snakes. His children will he be capricious, and his wife will be grumpy and unfaithful. He will outlive his wife while his daughters will cheer him up in old age. He will have luck in trade and hunting. His life is divided into two parts - if he survives to age 32, he will live until he is 66. The fate of his death is May, and the cause of death will be some swelling in the knees. He will have health problems with hemorrhoids, teeth, hands and legs.

A girl born in the sign of Cancer will be beautiful, thin, brown eyes, hospitable, and will have health problems with her eyes. She has a good will, cheerful heart and character, likes song and music and she gladly sings herself. She is easy in walk and food and fast at work. Her stature and figure will characterize her until very old age. She treats everybody with courtesy, and even when she is mistreated, she is not revengeful, but rather tries to put things in order with her kindness.

She will mourn her husband in her youth, but she will fall in love with another man. She will mourn her children and will die in her house. Reversal of life will be in 1, 4, 18 and 50 years of age, and if she survives those, she will live until she is 85. She will have problems with a headache and fever.

Written 200 years ago, predictions, Eternal Calendar

July (or Leo)

Those born under this sign will be inclined to good deeds, brave, intelligent, thorough, will love the truth and justice, and will be favored among great gentlemen. And in general, he will be respected by all people and especially by foreigners (more) rather than by his own friends. He will be particularly loved by the fair sex and, therefore, happy. He will enjoy in love. He will be well-intentioned, with a long face and will keep much to his honor, will have fairly large teeth and will have regular stature. He will have a birthmark on the chest or one side of the body. He will obtain authority, but will also miss the home. He will happen to be poor but will manage to get rid of it, and then he will live in peace.

He will be rich and polite chief. He gets angry very quickly, but not for long. In July, he will have great luck and in August, his actions will be successful and will get along well with his friends. He will love his brothers a lot, and his children will be angry such as himself. He will experience a very little joy with his children. In the second half of life, he will become rich. His life is divided into two parts: if he survives to age 31, he will then survive 76. He will have pain in head and shoulder blades.

A girl born in this period will be smart, gentle, tall. She is endowed with beauty, and she knows how to talk nicely. She will be of fierce nature, but kind to other people. At birth, she will suffer, but will have good fortune. She should not drink water at night, should keep away from thunder, nor she should stand under each tree during storms. She will have a son and daughter, because of whom she will have some worries. People will have a lot of respect for her, and in a word, no one will be able to be her enemy. She will have a lot of problems in the age of 15 because some misfortune, but she will prevail over it. She will have health problems with eyes, teeth and shoulders. Changes in her life will be in 11, 19 and 23 years of age as if she survives these years she will live until she is 80. She will have problems with her head and teeth.


August (or Virgo)

Those born in this month will be gracious, of good will, will learn easily and will have a preference for science and art. He should keep away from big people and to refrain from socializing with them. He will be talkative and will have a birthmark on his face, knee or the chest. He will have a smiling face and unpredictable thoughts. He should stay away from water. He will injure his legs, fall of a horse and hit his head. He will have a wound made by iron.

He will go after a woman and acquire a house, and will have a lot of children. He is ready to sacrifice his life for keeping his honor. He will be appreciated by foreign and old people, but will be detested by people close to him. He can be enviable and of angry nature. He will ask much and give little. The greatest happiness for him is in June, but someone else will usurp it. Happiness and winnings could sometimes happen in August. He should abstain from marriage in July. If he survives to age 40, he will experience very old age. He will have health problems with eyes and teeth.

A girl born in this period will be sick during the first year; will have a bright and white face and hair, tall, many will ask her for marriage. She will be happy for other people’s success, will fall from a height, will have health problems with her forehead; the animal will bite her, will injure her leg and will get rid of misery.

As much as she will enjoy good fortune, so she will be exposed to hardship. Sometimes she falls into anger and cries and because of that suffers from headaches. She will have a birthmark on the heart, chest or neck. She will have a good marriage and will have male children, but one child will make her sad. Everyone will say for her that she was happy. Changes in her life will be in 1, 5, 28, 37 and 40 years of age and if she survives all these periods she will experience old age. She will get sick the very day she was born. The fate of death is the month of January. She will have health problems with fever and headache.




September (or Libra)

Those born under this sign will have beautiful appearance and will adhere to justice and truth. He will have a birthmark on hand or face. He will be an angry character, but he will get rid of anger. He will have a big nose and average stature. He will brag about his clothes, will be a womanizer, and travel abroad all the time, but he will die in his homeland. He will suffer because of water. He will have a lot of problems due to some fraud. He will have a scar made of wood.

Every business activity undertaken in September will be successful, in October a great happiness and progress will occur, but the greatest happiness will happen in July. He will become rich in mature age. He will be impulsive and will not easily give up his plans. He is knowledgeable about all jobs, and when he speaks, everyone listens to him.

The first wife will make him sad while another one will make him happy. He will have more female children and will outlive his parents. He will obtain wealth in old age, but will suffer great sadness because of his children. If he survives 44 and 60 years of age, he will live for a long time. His fate of death is in December. He will have pain in chest and backside.

A girl born at this time will be of large cheeks, she will suffer pain in the third year of life, will have a lot of suitors, pale face, and will be talkative and chatty, but still people will gladly listen to her. She will fall in love with a young man, and if they get married, she will travel with him abroad. She will experience fear in her dreams; she will be self-willed, that is she will listen to no one, and will be attacked by an evil woman. She should not fool around at night. She will have health problems with shoulders, head, and chest. She likes men, and that is why neighbors gossip about her. However, she does not easily reveal her love, but rather keep it in secrecy.

She will be very happy in marriage, and generally, she will not experience any major misfortune. She will have calm life and will give birth to children while she is young. She will have pains in chest and head. She should neither take advice from evil people nor should she socialize with them. She will have a birthmark on the chest and face. Changes in her life will take place in 3, 7, 17 and 40 years of age, and if she survives these, she could experience the even age of 100. She will have pains in her chest and head.


October (or Scorpio)

A son born under the sign of Scorpio can easily be prone to adultery if his parents do not bring him up properly. He is of evil nature, and he loves money and is prone to lies and deceit. But despite all these weaknesses, he will be inclined towards good deeds, because of which he will be honored by the great gentlemen and superiors. He will do a lot of good things while experiencing few. He will have average stature, will have a big step and will be quite a coldblooded.

He will get a high rank and will be loved by many, but he will be completely devoted to female sex. He will travel on water and will be wounded by wood and iron. He will have a birthmark on shoulders or chest. He will have a great benefit in November, and will be sickly almost every winter. He will be happy in marriage if he gets married in April. He will experience great fortune in June. He will be in trouble in September; that is, he will face some false allegations, but eventually, everything will be alright at the end. His life is divided into two parts, and if he survives to age 44, he will live until he is 80. The fate of death is a month of May; so he should keep away from water then. He will have health problems with bones and fever.

A girl born in this month will be tall, with large eyes, long hair and beautiful and delicate body. She will be ill in the third year of her life, will be obstinate, scared of water and will suffer from the fire.

A dog will bite her. She will marry a young man and leave him. She easily wins over trust and affection of great gentlemen with her conduct. She will have good children, will love her parents and be careful with them. She will easily get angry and sad, and even faster calm and cheerful. She will be worried about her husband for some time. She will have health problems in 3, 12, 27 and 36 years of age. In the middle of her life she will be critically sick, and if she survives this she will experience age 89, but then will soon die. She will have health problems with head and stomach.


November (or Sagittarius)

Those born under this sign will be reasonable, smart and righteous, with black eyes, eloquent and flexible muscles. He will often have headaches. He will have a birthmark on chest or forehead and will be prone to all kinds of good deeds. He is a good speaker, has soft hair and good will. He gets furious easily but calm down even faster. He is cheerful and good-humored in a group, and when someone entrust some secret to him, he can keep it. A snake will attack him.

He will go to court with his brothers or relatives, but he is ready to lay down his own life for someone else. He will inherit property from his parents and will be wealthy. The fate of his being is a month of November, and will have all the luck in this month. Whatever he tries to do in December, it will come out well. He loves women a lot but honorably and honestly. He will get married twice, but will not have children with his first wife. He will travel abroad and will be brought up by his father properly. He will have health problems with eyes and teeth. If he survives the age of 28, he will experience 77 years of life. The fate of his death is the month of April when he should beware of wood.

A girl born at this time will have a long hair, blue eyes, and brown eyebrows. She will have a good husband, and she should beware of a rabid dog and an evil woman. She will fall from a height, will be wounded in the head, but will not die. She will get married only once, but she will have a lot of children and maybe twins. She will be sad because of her husband, but she will get out of trouble herself and find the right way forward.

One of her children will make her sad and do a lot of bad things. Changes of her life will be at 8, 11 and 22 years of age, and if she survives these periods she will live until she’s 76. She will have health problems with chest diseases, headaches, and arthritis.


December (or Capricorn)

A male child born in this month is strong, with a large nose, beautiful cheek, will be eloquent and shout loudly when speaking. He is brisk, angry, looks like his mother. He will not care about advice and swearing. No one will ever benefit from him. He promises a lot and does little about it, but he keeps very much entrusted secrets. He will have a free spirit, will be an unfair trader, will lose his proceeds, will get married several times, and will be wounded in the leg with iron.

He should keep away from a wood and fire will burn him. He will have a birthmark on the chest, forehead, thigh or knee. He is thoughtless, and will make a mistake because of a woman. If he gets married in July, he will be happy. He will travel a lot. He cannot settle down in one place, but constantly goes back and forth.

He will make his parents sad, but will make them happy again. Happiness and success will follow him in January, and in December, each action will come out well. He is prone to adultery. His life is divided into two parts: if he survives 25 years of age, then he will experience 55. The fate of his death is the month of July. He will have health problems with stomach and hemorrhoids.

A girl born under this sign is smallish, rosy and with strong black eyes. If she is born on a holiday, she will be hospitable. She will have a birthmark in the middle of the body. She will give birth to one child while she is ill and will lose him. She will have a good life in old age, but will have problems with one woman. She does not speak much but often speaks with herself. She strives for fame and often praises herself.

She should not drink water at night, and should not eat goat and rooster meat during this month. Changes of her life will be in 3, 12, 28 and 42 years of age and if she survives all this, she will live until she is 79. She will have health problems with legs, head, and abdomen.



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