What do you wash first when you get into shower reveals what kind of person you are

Did you ever think that the way you take a shower can reveal something interesting and unexpected about your personality?

Do you first wash your hair, chest or your face? Here's what your daily hygiene habits, that you probably don’t pay too much attention, apparently can reveal about your personality.


If, when you get into the shower, you first wash your hair, you are the creative and artistic soul. You have genius ideas, and you often dream about things that other people wouldn’t think they can achieve – and you often succeed, but you sometimes lack a bit of persistence and dedication. Money is not too important to you, but you are great workers and you are willing to fight for your goals.

When it comes to relationships, you are the person who is always willing to please his partner, but you are also constantly exploring him - and you always discover something new and special. And ideal partner for you is the person who first washes -chest.



People who first wash their chest are extremely down to earth, practical, simple, sincere and don’t like to hesitate. If you are among them, then you know very well how much you hate when someone annoys you in moments when you need concentration. You can be very impatient when you have people who see the world differently from you around you.

In a relationship you're always extremely faithful and you're always willing to sacrifice. However, sometimes you need to be more spontaneous and more patient. If you take a little break and stop wasting so much energy on controlling everything around you, you will also make your life better. As you read earlier, your ideal love partner is a person who chose - hair. 

What do you wash first when you get into shower reveals what kind of person you are


If you wash your armpits first, you are reliable and diligent, very popular and you're always willing to help people around you. However, sometimes you can misjudge people and can’t always see if one's intentions are sincere. Find more time that you will devote to yourself, and especially pay attention to your spirituality. Once you increase your inner strength, you will be much happier and stronger. Choose partners among people who chose first to wash - shoulders.


If you are a person who first washes face in the shower, then money is very important in your life and you are willing to do almost anything to get it. You like being surrounded by people that you can use in some way. Some considered you egocentric because you're always in your own world, and your imagination is much more prominent than with most people. When it comes to relationships, you are even a bit dependent on your partner. That is why it is very important to try and more often take the initiative and start giving, instead of just being a person who is always taking in a relationship. Your ideal partner is the person who first washes everything else.


People who wash their shoulders first are very responsible and give one hundred percent of themselves in everything they do. Although people sometimes consider you conceited, you often love spending your time in peace because that way you better charge your batteries when they run out. They don’t make friends so often, but when they do, then you know that they are for life. Power and money are not exactly a priority in your life, and in love, you are extremely loyal. However, sometimes you should relax a bit and go somewhere for a shorter vacation. Your ideal partner is a person who first washes - armpits.



If in the shower you don’t first wash neither of the above-mentioned parts of the body, but something else, it means that you are a person who has its value - that others may not see. You are a very good person, almost flawless, but sometimes you need to give in to life. When it comes to love - that passion, imagination and intuition that you feel inside, put it into practice. Don’t be afraid to relax and of moments when you don’t control everything. Your ideal partner is a person who has chosen – face.


What do you wash first when you get into shower reveals what kind of person you are