The things you should never say to a zodiac sign - To Taurus: “Look at me," to Gemini to shut up...

Each Zodiac sign is special by itself. As much as they like to hear certain words from loved one or from strangers, there are

also those words that you absolutely should not say. Here are some of them.

Aries: “I decide”

If you say to Aries: “I call you later," you will find yourself in very bad position. The situation is even worsted if regarding important things because Aries is so impatient. At that point, they become nervous, and if you put them in the standby position, they will analyze how much they mean to you, which is not tolerated by their ego. They will be surprised with the averments as “You are so boring” and “It is I who decide.”

Taurus: “Look at me”

It is hard for the members of this sign to deal with the braggarts, especially with those without a cover. It is hard for them to keep a genteel smile while someone is self – praising. Besides, their pressure will reach the sky if you tell them: “You are so scrimpy," as they do not like the examination of their motives.  Knowing the special relation that Taurus has toward a food, he won’t be too pleased if you say: “Food is not that good.”

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Gemini: “Please, shut up!”

Members of this sign are known for their eloquence as well as for the impossibility to keep their mouth shut. Due to that, the averments as “Please, shut up," is a major blow and a reason for anger. They will not like if you say: “Why don’t you smile/eat/cry?” because they are very direct people who, if does not do something, have a big reason for that. It is possible to receive a harsh truth spited into your face, as the answer on the question.

Cancer: “Let me say something, you will talk later”

Members of this sign are irritated by imposed people, especially if the attention is drawn to them. Although not vain, they are sensible to be seen like that, which result with encumbering with injustice toward themselves. They will be disturbed by:” I’ll come earlier," because they do not like to change their primary schedule, and prefer when people are later than find them unready.

Leo: “It looks better on…”

Members of this sign are quite vain regarding their personal look, an even burden. That is why the statement that something fits best to someone else, no matter how a well-intentioned critic is, will bother them.  If you don’t have anything nice to say about their look, then is best to say nothing.

Virgo: “They want to”

Members of this sign, committed and organized as they are, most of all do not support a grammatical mistake in speech or writing, neither in someone's slang nor a dialect. Besides, the most important thing for them is the way that people communicate, and they hate a statement where disrespect is expressed:  “Think what you want,", “ I don’t care what you think about that.”


The things you should never say to a zodiac sign - To Scorpio: „Or my way or no way“, never say to Gemini to shut up...


Libra: “Turn that music down”

Members of this sign are big music fans, especially of good dance rhythm that will boost to the maximum in their car, work, or home – everywhere where possible. That is why the request to turn the music down, will be so hard for them. They will not appreciate the statements as “Make up your mind” and “Will you stop talking on the phone," because they do not like to be hurried up or pushed up in any kind of way.

Scorpio: “Ultimatum”

Members of this sign are those that have the worst react regarding an ultimatum, in fact; they are kind of “allergic” to them.  Sensitive when having a feeling that can be replaced, either in love or friendship and if you say to them “I already have a deal," they will hold a grudge and will feel excluded.

Sagittarius: “My life is so difficult”

Members of this sign do not tolerate people who bitch all the time, those who grumble thinking that whole world is against them. They will be irritated by all kinds of pessimism, as well as “this life has no sense," because they hate those who reconcile with destiny. They do not like statements as: “I have no will to go there” or “Let’s stay at home," because are contrary to their nature.

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Capricorn: “Borrow me some money”

Although kind and generous, members of this sign really don’t like to borrow money because burdened by the idea if the money is returned to them and will this have an effect to their relation. They are irritated with any kind of statement that convoked them to something, as, for example: “Why are you always doing that?” because it sounds like a judgement, nor pathetic love statements as: “My life didn’t have any sense until I met you."

Aquarius: “It’s a stupid idea”

Members of this sign are not totally addicted to other's approval, but what really will hurt them is the statement that will bury every idea they have. It will hurt if told by someone close to them. Their nerves can blow up with the statements as: “Let someone else clean it up” because they don’t support when someone leaves the mess behind, and a statement: “You don’t understand” by which their intelligence is underestimated. 

Pisces: “Have you heard what is talking about you again?”

Members of this sign are very sensitive when talking about gossip, and ardently desire to have people respect. Gossip about themselves will make them crazy. They do mind a statement as: “No way that you will learn it," because they will analyze their failings and the relationship. They will wonder if the one who says that, really mean that they are incapable and after every unpleasant statement needs some time to get back the confidence in the relationship.


The things you should never say to a zodiac sign - To Scorpio: „Or my way or no way“, never say to Gemini to shut up...

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