What's hiding behind three main traditions at weddings

Each nation has its own wedding customs that are respected to this day, but there are well-known popular customs in most countries in the world. Some are well known and practiced in our country too, such as throwing a wedding bouquet, but have you ever wondered why this is so? In addition, read about the origin of the three wedding traditions in the world.

1. On the day of the wedding, the groom shouldn't see the bride: In past, most marriages represented a sort of business cooperation, that is, the agreement between two families. The father of the bride didn't allow the boy to see his future wife because they feared that the arranged marriage might fail if the boy or a girl don't like the chosen future spouse, and that would bring great shame to the family. Since then, it has been said that it's bad luck if the groom saw the bride before the wedding.

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2. The woman who catches the bouquet at a wedding is the next in line for marriage: In the Middle Ages, after the wedding, guests would escort the bride to her room, and then tried to take a piece of her wedding dress, because it was believed that it brings good luck. That’s how the wedding dresses would become completely ruined. Therefore, brides were looking for an alternative to this strange custom and started to throw their bouquets to take attention of the guests and try to escape. Since then, the tradition is that the bride throws her wedding bouquet to all the girls who want to get married.


3. The groom has to carry the bride over the threshold of their home: This is mainly a tradition that was practiced in Western countries and ancient cultures, and it was believed that the threshold of a house is the gathering place for evil spirits and that they can easily bring bad luck to a bride if she steps on it. Therefore, the groom was obliged to carry his wife across the threshold in order to prevent the spirits from entering the house and to ensure a long and happy marriage. There are many more traditions that survived from ancient times and are still practiced today. 


What's hiding behind three main traditions at weddings