This is definitely the most stubborn sign in horoscope

Stubbornness is a characteristic of insisting on your own attitude and subordinating everything to prove it, and it comes from the ego, spite and vanity. Although every man is sometimes stubborn, some are the personification of stubbornness. In this, the key role has the character that emerges from the horoscope, and this is the order for all the signs from the most to the least stubborn.

1. Aries – Don't even try to argue with them! Out of all the signs of the Zodiac, Taurus is officially the most stubborn. It doesn't even matter whether they are right or wrong, they just want what they want and will pout or be angry until they get it. The first symptoms of this appear in early childhood and last until the end of their life, only in time they learn to hide it in public, but not in front of their close ones.

2. Scorpio – a living horror. Members of this sign provoke with their stubbornness, even when it isn't important for them to be right. To them it's a mask which they use to provoke the other side. They are masters at controlling their emotions, and sometimes they will argue just for the sake of arguing, just to show the other side what they are willing to tolerate and what they are not. In any case, they are terribly stubborn.

3. Leo – 'I don't care what you say, blah blah blah, I can't hear you!' Members of this sign are the personification of a stubborn child, no matter how old they are. They are capable of shouting 'I don't care what you're trying to say, I can't hear you" - and close their ears with their fingers, resort to low blows that have nothing to do with the discussion in order to show 'that you are not right and they are'. If you don't give in, they will make a chaotic argue over nothing.


4. Aquarius - OK, have an opinion, but I won't talk to you until you change it. It's hard to try to outsmart members of this sign. They won't even explain too much what they think, but will only state their concise thought and that's it for them. You don't like that? Too bad, their tactics are that debates don't make sense; they will simply get up and leave - as if it adds importance to their opinion. Still, they will quickly forget what the argument was about.

5. Capricorn - Mr. and Miss 'I know it all'. The belief of members of this sign in their own knowledge and logic is almost incredible, and in order to prove their point, they are willing to state their arguments for hours. Such a persistence and number of words will make most people on the opposite side ask themselves whether Capricorn is really right, because he wouldn't be so sure if he weren't. Best of all, considering how much they are able to analyze nonsense, they are often right. 

This is definitely the most stubborn sign in horoscope

6. Aries - No, no. You're wrong. Will you f* shut up! For members of this sign you certainly can't deny their suddenness and temperament, but they are stubborn only at first. They will react loudly and as a small child if you don't give them what they want or question their thinking. They will be yelling to explain how you're wrong or that things should be done his way. However, they will soon let it go, and they'll know they were angry with you, but somehow they won't remember why.

7. Cancer has strong beliefs. Really strong beliefs. Members of this sign have very strong opinions and beliefs that can be changed only by someone they see as an authority on a given subject. Otherwise, they will engage in a fierce discussion, accuse you of considering them crazy and then theatrically abandon discussion and give up. This doesn't mean that they gave up on their opinion, but that it makes them sad to argue over it.

8. Sagittarius - If it's not very important, they are totally for compromise. What means a lot to them, they won't back off an inch, but there are only a few things they care so much for. Members of this sign are truly strange creatures when it comes to stubbornness. Sometimes they will be the most stubborn people in the world who will use every means possible to prove that they are right and tell everyone around them they are idiots, while in other situations, they will sit quietly and just smile blissfully at other people's attitudes and beliefs with which they totally disagree.

9. Gemini -"Oh you're stupid. What more do I have to prove? You are unreasonable'. It is clear that members of this sign have their own opinion and attitude, but they simply won't waste their energy on persuading someone that they're right. Thanks to their optimistic nature, they are sure that everything will turn out fine and they don't want to fight. They rather choose the side of the moral winner who doesn't need to be right at everything.


10. Pisces will let you win only if you start screaming at them. They can't tolerate drama. If the argument is concerning general matters, then Pisces won't be too stubborn, it isn't important to them that everyone thinks they are right, but that there are those who respect their opinion. But if you mess with something they can connect with personally, then they are able to make every effort to convince you. If that doesn't happen, they will accuse you not to like and respect them.

11. Virgo - They know they are right, but they will let the other side think they won. Whatever. We can't say that Virgos are not stubborn, but they have one interesting trick that they often apply - for themselves they are 100 percent sure they are right, but they'll let you think you won the argument. Of course - they will calmly say 'Sure, you're right, you know best' to leave the impression that they are the smarter, more composed and more adult ones. The other side then doesn't know whether they are being manipulated or it really is conciliatory tone.

12. Libra pledges to peace, compromise, diplomacy and love, as always. Things that can drive members of this sign crazy so that they insist on being right are rare. They would rather wave their hand and make a joke in a conciliatory tone – none of it matters compared to peace, love, agreement and unity that they strive for. This doesn't mean that they have no opinion, but righteously believe that everyone is entitled to their beliefs and who are they to judge anyone?

This is definitely the most stubborn sign in horoscope

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