THE POWER OF MANDALAS: The circle you choose predicts what you need to do in life

Mandala or an eye is a circular image that represents universe in Hindu and Buddhist symbolism, and everyone should choose

whatever attracts them at first sight in order to find out more about themselves.

In the picture that shows 20 mandalas, as in the symbols of circle or eyes are called in Hindu and Buddhist religion– you should choose the one that attracts you the most in 30 seconds of looking at it.

The point is not choosing the one that is most beautiful to you, symmetric or under interesting number- interpretation of characteristics according to mandalas relies on instinct.

Mandala is a Sanskrit word for sacred circle, and almost all ancient cultures respected the so-called power of the circle. 

Find interpretation for the mandala that attracted you under the picture:


1. Harmony

This mandala is under the rule of debt, and it represents the perfect balance of yin and yang, masculine and feminine energy. This mandala carries the symbol of a swan, and to the person who chose it says that balance is necessary for his life- between work and private life, his own and others people’s expectations, health and obligations. Its message is to pay more attention to yourself, and necessary straightening of priorities. 


2. Healing

This mandala is a symbol of spiritual energy of frog, and to the person who chooses it represents the deep need for healing. That means that it’s time for reconciliation with past events, forgiving for things that hurt us or ending relationships that no longer make sense and we are not aware of how much damage they do. Also, the message of the mandala is to pay less attention to the outcome, and more to the current situation. 


3. Intuition

This mandala symbolizes the spirit of an owl, which has excellent orientation and ability to find the light in the dark. A person who chooses it needs to be protected from other people, traps and imposed opinion and in the decisions that lie ahead he or she must rely on their inner wisdom that is intuition. Also, it says that you shouldn’t be closed to new ideas but look, listen and absorb more carefully.


4. Vision

This mandala has the symbolic energy of white tiger, and the person who chooses it brings clarity to his views. It says that it takes more focus and stepping away from fantasies. According to it, it is necessary to come down to earth a little and stop dreaming, because it’s time for practical things in life, Higher Perspectives writes.


5. Forgiveness

This mandala is guided by an element of water, and it tells us that everything we feel, love and what we are afraid of shapes what we are. Her symbol is a dog, which represents unconditional surrender, socializing and sense of belonging. If you chose this mandala, then your spirit is telling you that you need to stop ignoring relationships that bother you and forgive yourself and the others, and that we need to say goodbye to negative emotions in order to move forward, towards better things.


6. Communication

This mandala carries the symbol of the whale, which sings in a unique way and gracefully indicates its presence. He reminds us that we should dive deeper into our subconsciousness and to communicate better with ourselves, but also with others. If you chose this mandala, you need to learn how to express better your wishes, but also to reject people. 

THE POWER OF MANDALAS: The circle you choose predicts what you need to do in life

7. Imagination

Symbol of this mandala is a dragonfly, which represents the capability of creating, looking at things from a different angle with enthusiasm and elan. If you chose this mandala, then its message is to let your creativity come out. First and most important, you need to reduce negative thoughts and worrying in your life, and if it is possible to change some things that are holding you back - such as a job. It is necessary to go after things you love, and not let fears guide you. 


8. Love

Symbol of this mandala is a seahorse, which represents the ability to give, receive and nurture. It reminds the person who chose this mandala of all the love he had in life, but also of a desire for more. That noble feeling comes only from a positive attitude and openness to other people, and isolation is not a good way because your spirit longs for a sense of love.


9. Compassion

This mandala belongs to the element of air, and its symbol is an elephant, which represents empathy, compassion and understanding. The one who chooses this mandala is reminded that he should connect more with others and understand them more because then they will understand him better too. Ask yourself if you behave compassionately toward others or you judge them sharp and critically, as well as how much negativity it attracts into your life.


10. Strength

Symbol of this mandala is eagle which represents strength, as a protective shield against accidents and sadness that life brings. If you chose this mandala, your spirit expresses the need to strengthen, to build foundations so that you could walk through life more determined. This is achieved by strengthening of faith in yourself, but also by accepting possible bad outcomes as a necessity of life. 


11. Inspiration

The symbol of this mandala is a peacock, which represents beauty, a sense of pride and a unique perspective. The person who chooses this mandala does it because he or she needs to be reminded not to be afraid of giving their best, standing out and demanding attention. Believe in yourself and be proud, and let each new achievement inspire you want and know you can do more.


12. Protection 

The symbol of this mandala is a bear, which represents security, strength and protection. The one who chooses this mandala needs to be protected, and most often depends on other people. In the moments of fear you should be strong enough to ask for help, and allow someone to take care of us, because it makes the relationship more profound. Also, this mandala can encourage you to confront someone, that is, to believe in your strength. 


13. Self-confidence

This element belongs to fire and its symbol is a lion which represents dominant energy, charisma and pride. If you chose this mandala, your spirit is trying to tell you to be your own leader and don't let others outshine you nor accept things with which you are not satisfied.


14. Motivation

Symbol of this mandala is a horse, which represents dedication, great energy and capability. If you choose this mandala, then the message to your spirit is to start working  - without questions, delays or excuses. It’s time to move in order to maintain your own ambition because you will only get something if you invest something.


15. Change 

The symbol of this mandala is a snake, which represents the ability to hide and to reject of the skin, just like passion. It reminds us that in life sometimes you need to be still, but also to adapt in order to gather energy. If you chose this mandala, then the message to your spirit is to adapt to great change that is coming, and before that, you need to understand what is holding you back and then get to know yourself in ‘new skin.'


16. Opportunity 

The symbol of this mandala is a woodpecker, which represents optimism, determination and persistence. It reminds us that we should continue knocking on the door until it opens, because when they do something miraculous can happen. If you chose this mandala, then your spirit needs persistence. 


17. Creation

The symbol of this mandala is an orangutan, which represents creativity and ability to create. If you chose this mandala, it means that you are at a turning point in life where you want to create something and you should do it - whether it's starting a family, making a home, starting a business ...


18. Gratitude

The symbol of this mandala is bison, which represents deep gratitude to the country he walks on. The message for the one who chooses this mandala is that he needs a little pause, to slow down in life. Due to the constant orientation towards the goal, he often loses a sense of happiness that come from small things, and that is exactly what makes everyday life beautiful.


19. Instinct

The symbol of this mandala is a shark, which represents primitive knowledge and works according to their own instinct. The person who chooses this mandala should isolate himself from people a bit and listen to his inner voice regarding any problem that is before him. No matter what anyone may think, you should do things your way and don’t look back, because people most often regret things they didn’t try...


20. Connection

The symbol of this mandala is a wolf, which represents traditional wisdom and sense of belonging to the pack. The person who chooses this mandala should be more devoted to his close ones - family and partner, and spend less energy on work and irrelevant things and obligations that take time.

THE POWER OF MANDALAS: The circle you choose predicts what you need to do in life