Any one of us can suffer from mental illness depending on life circumstances, but some people are especially prone to it.
Psychoses are mental illnesses that have existed as long as the humans have. Throughout history, they were interpreted in various ways: that the ill have been possessed by the devil or some force, that it's the result of a sin, that it's been brought on by bad behavior.
Still, each of us can become ill from mental illness, depending on life circumstances. Psychosis takes away realistic view from the person who is ill, of themselves, the environment, they change opinion, feelings, behavior.
Changes in the patient sometimes begin suddenly but are usually gradual.
Here are the zodiac signs that are most at risk:
1. Aries
The weakest part of an organism are head, brain, eyes, nose, jaw, bloodstream, heart, kidneys and reproductive organs. The Aries waste energy uncontrollably, they are prone to injuries, inflammations, infections, mainly acute diseases accompanied by high temperature and bad blood results.
For these people it is characteristic that due to stress or long aggravation, they easily lose their hair. Aries should avoid fattening food and strong spices, and in the treatment they should use natural remedies, herbs and teas. They recover faster in nature, in the fresh air, by the sea or water of some kind.
![HOROSCOPE: Four horoscope signs with the biggest risk of mental illnesses!](
2. Gemini
Parts of the body that are most at risk are shoulders, hands, fingers, lungs, clavicle, nerves, and secondary glands and brain. They are prone to bronchitis, asthma, various neuroses, inflammations of brain and gallbladder.
They fear the least signs that might indicate the illness, which makes it worse and it can lead to hypochondria. In their diet they shouldn't pay special care to quantity nor quality, they just need to bring in more order, not skip meals or eat between the meals as Gemini often do...
3. Cancer
Cancer is born gourmand, so his stomach and digestive organs are often at risk. His lungs, ribs and liver are sensitive too. He is strongly influenced by the environment and especially emotions, so he easily becomes ill of illnesses typical for the region in which he lives.
He is prone to rheumatism, tumors, gastritis, depressions or hysteria and all hereditary diseases. They should reduce starch, fat, sweets and chocolate in their diet, and except fruit, it is better to have their food boiled. He recovers the best in the mountain air, surrounded by his loved ones. He reacts well to all kinds of treatment.
4. Aquarius
Lower parts of legs, ankles and wrists are sensitive, brain, heart, bloodstream, lymph nodes, nerves and airways. Characteristic illnesses are all those that are related to problems in blood vessels, capillaries, and anemia, poor binding of oxygen in the blood, migraine, then skin diseases, neuralgia, nervous and mental illnesses and carcinoma.Their diet must be stronger and better with more meat, vitamins, minerals, and meals should be regular.
They react well to herbs and homeopathic remedies. During the recovery they shouldn't be exposed to sudden changes in temperature, efforts, not even walking. The most useful things for Aquarius is relaxation and sleep.