MARS IN PISCES FROM DECEMBER 19 TO JANUARY 28, 2017: Do what you like in order to connect with your dreams and turn them into reality

From December 19, 2016 to January 28, 2017 Mars will be staying in the sign of Pisces. This is a challenging position of Mars. To this planet the natural impulse is action, and it will stay in a sign that will subside and weaken it, which can create a sense of frustration and unfulfillment.

People who have Mars in Pisces in their horoscope are big dreamers, deeply intuitive, imaginative and creative. They often question their own emotions, why they feel the certain way, wonder if they have the right to feel that way, are confused about what to do and are unsure of the strength of their own actions.

Our activities will be confused, colored with fantasy in the following period. We have faith, but no clear idea about where we are really going and if we're on the right track. We are guided by ideals and very powerful emotions that are almost impossible to control. We find it hard to distinguish reality from what we think is real. We easily fall into illusion, we think we are loved, and then suddenly open our eyes and realize just how much we were wrong in our assessment, which can be painful and disappointing.

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With this Mars we play backstage games, we examine the terrain from a safe distance, we don't have the courage to tell the truth even though we're looking for it. We don't have the courage to act sincerely and transparently, because what if we expose ourselves and show all our weaknesses, so someone may take advantage of us and hurt us!

MARS IN PISCES FROM DECEMBER 19 TO  JANUARY 28, 2017: Do what you like in order to connect with your dreams and turn them into reality

Shame rises to the surface, wrong belief about low self-worth. We ask ourselves if we are good enough? We tend to operate from secrecy, to investigate a person or subject we are interested in and to isolate from everything that feels risky and dangerous for our own safety, for our fragile and vulnerable feelings.

This is the awakening of extremely creative energy that can inspire us to enjoy writing, dance, photography, music, film. Do what you love, use Mars to become closer with your dreams and turn them into reality. In January, Mars will be joined by Venus, so their heavenly romantic dance will cause a real flood of love, sentimental enthusiasm, platonic sympathy and secret affairs. Fate seems to be coming your way.

See also: HOROSCOPE: Discover what type of men finds you irresistible exactly because of the sign you were born in ​

Some might renew relationship from the past or become interested in emotionally unavailable person. During this transit, it is important to listen to your inner voice, do things that fulfill us and raise energy. Act from the heart but don't forget about the facts.

MARS IN PISCES FROM DECEMBER 19 TO JANUARY 28, 2017: Do what you like in order to connect with your dreams and turn them into reality

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