Super powers of horoscope: Aries is good at interpreting dreams, Cancer is terribly sensitive

Supernatural powers of the horoscope: Each horoscope sign is inclined to a certain occult discipline, even if it's very low key. Crystal ball, cards, or something else ... Read more ... 


Members of this sign often lead turbulent lives and they are preoccupied with many things which may make them wander off and not listen to their inner voice of wisdom. They have difficulty in distinguishing their emotions from desire and it is recommended to them to make contact with themselves using relaxation techniques. Parapsychological abilities of Aries are related to the head, part of the body ruled by Mars. They like to interpret their dreams and actions. They are interested in phrenology and interpretation of character based on facial features as well as methods that give quick results, such as dices or I Ching.


Parapsychological abilities of Taurus develop slowly but thoroughly. Like other earth signs, they experience parapsychological feelings using the body. Venus, the ruler of Taurus, inspires these people with music and kind words that relax them. They tend to predict what the weather will be like by subconsciously observing certain signs or symbols, such as a number of fruits on a tree or the late arrival of a particular season. Numerology and techniques relating to the interpretation by using coins, dices or bank notes, belong to Taurus.


They can sense each new trend almost before it appears thanks to their instinct. It's as if they have antennas, or some kind of internal radar, they constantly explore their surroundings. Palmistry, graphology and exploring character, fall within the scope of Gemini. Considering their skilled hands and telepathic abilities, they often practice looking at the cards, tarot and the like. Mercury as the planet of communication gives them bright and open mind but since their attention is not focused they need to pay attention not to get engaged in too many activities and thus prevent their parapsychological abilities to come to the fore.

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They start feeling their surroundings and thinking of the people around them almost from their birth. Many people, especially men, don't want to admit it. They know instinctively before the others how warm and sincere a relationship or friendship is. They often feel inexplicably sad because of the influence of their ruler, the Moon. They receive information from the present or future in the form of pictures as if they have a movie screen in their head. They can also hear what someone will say before he even speaks. They are good at predicting events, especially in reading the coffee cup, tea leaves or crystal.


Cheerful, generous and warm, they have almost child's approach to life and this makes them extremely sensitive to people around him. They often have sudden premonitions that just as suddenly disappear. Sun as the planet-ruler of this sign gives Leos possibility of spiritual therapy. They can often successfully deliver therapeutic energy. They are capable of healing with their joy, optimism, vitality and warmth. It's an interesting fact that a lot of astrologers were born in the sign of Leo.

Super powers of horoscope: Aries is good at interpreting dreams, Cancer is terribly sensitive


Members of this sign have amazing parapsychological abilities, but just like everywhere, they show their moderation here too. Most of the best doctors and therapists were born under this sign. Lively eyes, ability to remember and notice helps them in any work whether it's detecting grammatical errors or giving the right diagnosis. These natural characteristics determine occupation too, so we can often see them as botanists. Virgos are attracted by graphology and analysis of character with spontaneous drawings or ink stains. Their analytical Mercury never fails. Sometimes they can predict upcoming events with cramps in their stomach. If they learn to recognize and understand these natural qualities, they may discover that they posses precious way to contact with the natural wisdom.


Part of parapsychological abilities of Libra is telepathy and it is linked to the five senses. They may be attracted by chromotherapy or music therapy as well as the use of aromatic oils in therapy. They are also familiar with the flower therapy. East is appealing to members of the Venus' sign so they are often interested in Chinese astrology or I Ching, and not serious parapsychological topics such as hypnosis. At social gatherings their parapsychological abilities are activated and they can almost sense the situation.


This is certainly a sign that is most interested in topics from border areas. The inner desire to discover love and to get deeper into mysteries often gives them rich experiences related to the birth or experience with death. Pluto's depth and power give them the ability to capture the past and to reach eternal secrets like the lost Atlantis. Scorpio needs a good teacher who will guide them in the right way if they want to develop their immense parapsychological powers.


Considering that they are interested in philosophy and religion in a broad sense, they are great fighters and researchers. Jupiter, their ruler and their great protector, influences that they are prophets by nature, even when they don't want it. They will often comment on something before others and later it will turn out to be very important. Different and distant cultures affect them. They need to believe in power that is beyond themselves. They are attracted by scientific facts as well as the old myths. The study of ancient religions, radio esthesia and watching the fire are things that they are great at.


Members of this earth sign always want to know where they are. They love facts, logic and don't have much time for such fantastic fabrications. For them it's hard to accept anything that can't be logically explained or proven by reason alone. They are preoccupied with material aspects of life to be thinking about extrasensory powers. This sign, with the help of its ruler Saturn, governs the stones, so when Capricorns want to develop their sixth sense they should look at the stones. They can also develop a technique of looking into a crystal or a crystal ball as well as analysis of the character using facial features and shape of the body.

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Uranus which characterizes Aquarius is the planet that rules the freedom, friendship, astrology and future. Curious by nature, members of this sign have a strong desire to penetrate to inaccessible secrets of the universe and man, macrocosm and microcosm. Biorhythm, psycho tests and parapsychology itself, are often the subject of interest of advanced Aquarius. They are able to help themselves and others through a variety of methods of getting to know themselves and the world around them. They often experience sudden flashes of intuition, inspiration and insight into the essence of things.


Hypersensitive by nature, most Pisces learn to save themselves from all the insults and injuries of the outside world by closing in themselves. Since they are preoccupied with emotions, they must understand that this tendency can lead them to extremes, that is that they can suffocate in an excessive outburst of emotions in the presence of others or isolated, rely on themselves. Neptune, their ruler, can bring them to various depths of consciousness and subconsciousness. Turbulent and prophetic dreams and visions are the gifts that Pisces possess. They're attracted to chromotherapy, reflexology and therapy with scents and flowers. They can interpret the symbols in a coffee cup or look into a crystal ball extremely well.
