Be careful! The way you move reveals what you really think of people

Our body expresses emotions better than our face does. This is exactly why we need to be aware that our body language can reveal what we think of others


1.You DON’T LIKE the person you communicate with

Your legs will give you away first. Experts for non-verbal communication often say that legs are the most sincere part of the body. If you are in the same room with somebody you don’t like, you will not make faces or sulk because of it because you don’t want to look rude or insensitive. However, you will subconsciously turn your feet away from the person you don’t like. The same goes for the situation when you have your legs crossed- you will automatically turn them to the people you like, not the ones you don’t.


Too much fidgeting, restlessness and lack of concentration are a sign that you are not comfortable in a certain society. When in the middle of an argument you gesticulate with your hands, and your palms are facing down, it means that you want to impose dominance in conversation, and you don’t intend to give up on your attitudes. 

Be careful! The way you move reveals what you really think of people

2.You LIKE the person you communicate with.

When you feel pleasant in someone’s company, you are automatically inclined to more 'casual' relationship. You are relaxed and peaceful; there are no sudden and unexpected body movements.

We always lean towards people we like, with head and the rest of the body. We will talk to them with open arms, which symbolizes acceptance, openness and sense of trust that we have towards that person.

Be careful! The way you move reveals what you really think of people

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