JUST FOR FUN: If you see them in the water, run! These signs of the Zodiac always pee in a swimming pool!

And the worst thing is- hey enjoy it! No matter how hard they try, they cannot suppress the need to pee in a pool. They know it is not hygienic and is not nice, there are also other people swimming, but they just can't help it. Pay attention and find out who to avoid when you go for a swim.


The first contacts with this kind of "Intimate satisfaction" Capricorn experience in his early childhood, and very often, it leaves a strong impression on his subconsciousness, of which he becomes aware once he grows up.

If the cognition comes in the attendance of his best friend, they will encouraged by friends, make a spectacle of it. Male will, while floating on his back, make a 'natural fountain' and enjoy watching the golden drops splashing around. There is something strange about Capricorns, isn't it?

If you see them in the water, run! These signs of the Zodiac always pee in a swimming pool!


This sophisticated water sing completely naturally experiences the aquatic environment and, one might say, it feels as if in its own ecosystem. That’s where this casual attitude towards the release of bodily fluids into a pool. Here I live, here I drink, here I pee, what is wrong about that? It would be the best if they could dive and swim with their mouth open, to drink and pee at the same time and enjoy watching the water cycle. Yet, they will never admit doing this, and they cleverly hide, that it is impossible to catch them.



Aquarius has an exceptional attitude towards pee in a pool. He is considered to be the champion in this 'discipline'. Aquarians are gods of urination; only they can teach you this ancient, immeasurably wise skill of releasing warm currents into the cold sea. Practice makes perfect, and they are masters of this art. The area where they swim is always of an ideal temperature. Flora and fauna are flourishing around them because of the natural fertilizer they use to enrich the water they're in. Where Aquarius swim, all types of algae and moss grow. They are what make lakes green.


If you see them in the water, run! These signs of the Zodiac always pee in a swimming pool!