RECIPE FOR LONGEVITY: 4 tricks that will extend your life for at least seven years

Being optimistic, especially in middle age, was proven to extend life for at least seven and a half years, regardless of age, gender, socio-economic status and

physical health, so it is true even for smokers, according to a large US study at Yale University. If you want to live longer practice these four optimistic patterns of behavior every day.

1. Be Social

People who at least once a week 'practice’ socializing with other people (outside of work) live longer, keep sharp with and are at lower risk of heart attack. Even ordinary phone conversation with a friend instantly lowers blood pressure and level of cortisol, hormone related to stress.

Studies have proven that maintaining a long-term friendship works equally well on physical health as well as physical activity and not smoking. Socializing live is even better, so before you finish a phone call with a friend arrange a meeting over coffee or lunch.


2. Show appreciation

Writing down happy moments on paper, in the computer or in a mobile phone will improve your mood. Keep track of everything you are grateful for, even the smallest of things, generally you will be more optimistic and happier with life. Research has also proven that people who show gratitude feel physically stronger. Grateful people have also been 'vaccinated' against bitterness and anger.

However, experts point out that you shouldn’t exaggerate with showing gratitude and that it shouldn’t  be understood as an obligation. It is best to record once a week in your 'gratitude diary' what you're grateful for.

RECIPE FOR LONGEVITY: 4 tricks that will extend your life for at least seven years

3. Do good deeds

Five good deeds a day is the magic number that will make you happier. It can be little things – give a seat to an elderly person or a pregnant woman on the bus, buy a colleague at work coffee, gives a homeless person some money. You will make the day to yourself and the person you helped, that is paid attention. Thank yourself for helping someone and you'll feel more satisfied in your skin.


4. Relive the happy moments in your mind

We can extended our life if in our mind, or writing down on paper, we relive happy moments that we experienced in the past. This way, among other things, you will remember everything that you have achieved in life and it will instantly raise your confidence.

If we want to live longer it is also helpful to think about the bad things that happened to us. After it’s been a few years since, you might more clearly see the reasons for the breakup of a love relationship or a business failure and realize that these so-called 'defeats' opened some new doors and brought new opportunities.

If you come to peace with the past, you will have an easier deal with difficult situations that are before you.

RECIPE FOR LONGEVITY: 4 tricks that will extend your life for at least seven years

Health Advices:

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