2. Every day sit back and enjoy the silence for at least 10 minutes. Talk to God or to yourself about what is currently happening in your life.
3. When you wake up in the morning say the following sentences: 'My purpose is to ______. I am grateful for ______.'
4. Eat more food that grows on trees and plants than the food that is produced in factories.
5. Drink a lot of green tea and water. Eat plenty of broccoli, fish, walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds.
6. Try to bring a smile to the faces of at least three people a day.
7. Don't waste precious energy of your body and mind to gossiping, problems from the past and things that are beyond your control. Instead of that, invest your energy in something positive that is happening in the present.
8. Eat your breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a common man, and have dinner like a poor man.
9. Remember- life is not fair, but it's good anyway.
10. Remember – life is too short to waste it on hating someone.
11. Don't take yourself too seriously. No one else does.
12. You are not that important nor that special to have to be the winner in every conflict. Learn to disagree.
13. Come to peace with your past so it doesn't ruin the present.