Zodiac signs and superpower: Virgo is a human tornado, Sagittarius is a lie detector

It is not said in vain "strong as a bull." If the members of this sign have only one power, it would be the superpower...

Aries - unlimited energy

Members of this sign could easily be superheroes, with a special power that lies in their limitless energy. This feature comes out as soon as they have a goal that want to achieve - it gives them strength to move faster than a speeding bullet, to skip over the building, they do not sleep, do not eat - anything to get what they want.


Taurus – superpower

It is not said in vain "strong as a bull".If the members of this sign have only one power, it would be the superpower. It applies to the physical and emotional resisting to challenges and dealing with difficult situations better than any other members of the Zodiac. They are truly unbreakable.


Gemini - mental record

Members of this sign, in the world of superheroes, would be those who have the incredible ability to absorb vast amounts of information in an incredibly short time. Whether they read a newspaper, observe people around them or learn something, their mental energy and brain capacity is a real miracle.


Cancer - the power of compassion

If the members of this sign have one superpower, it would be amazing ability of empathy that characterized them. They can realize and understand almost all human motives around them, to connect with each emotional state, and to make a connection with every human being, plants or animals on Earth.


Leo - the master of fire

Their hot temperament associated with the power that gets from the sun, the members of this sign, in the world of superheroes, could easily turn into masters of fire. They can create fire out of nothing - with little angry, but also, with the same speed can damp it down, protect their loved one with the flame and throw it on the enemies if they came closer to them.


Virgo - human tornado

The speed and intensity that adorns the members of this sign as soon as they have a goal set, in the world of superheroes will turn them into a human tornado. Thanks to the ability to think five steps ahead, may introduce confusion in their surrounding and "derange" them like a tornado, and leave before they explained what they wanted - but be sure that they got what they want.

Zodiac signs and superpower: Virgo is a human tornado, Sagittarius is a lie detector

Libra – shape changing  

The members of this sign are adorned by the practical ability – power of adjustment. As superheroes, they would be able to change shape and adapt to any situation, environment or people. 


Scorpio – soul penetrator

Members of this sign in the world of superpowers would have the skill of "reading" other people's minds. Thanks to his analytical skills, logical reasoning and the ability of perception, they, better than any other sign of the zodiac, are able, just by looking at someone's eyes, to assess their feelings or pain, which is their goal and what they are.

See also: ZODIAC SIGNS AND MARRIAGE: 3 zodiac signs that are the best for marriage: Are you among them?

Sagittarius - lie detector

The members of this sign are adorned by the ability of "drawing out" the truth from someone. Therefore, in the world of superheroes, they will be a human "lie detector", but the truth will not come out thanks to pulse and changes in the rhythm of breathing, but with little manipulations by which they seduce their interlocutors and make them say their real intentions.


Capricorn - thoughts controller

The members of this sign are adorned by an extraordinary mental energy and perseverance, thanks to which they can manage the decisions of others and their. So, in the world of superheroes, they will be the controllers of thoughts, those that with careful tactics insert ideas into the others, so the others will think that these ideas are their own and will carry out the will of Capricorn.


Aquarius – disappearance

Members of this sign, in the world of superpowers, will be those heroes that can easily become invisible. Their ability to disappear from the situations that do not suit them is stunning - not only physically, but also mentally. Such capability of disappearance enables them to "fly around" the world, to meet different people and to pass through unbelievable situation.


Pisces - the creators of worlds

Dreamy ability of members of this sign in the real world is quite incredible, so if they were superheroes, they will be undisputed world makers who realize their fantasies. Their imagination and creativity have no borders, so they could easily can been the rulers of scenarios like the Matrix or futuristic worlds by their will.


