Left hand reveals the future, right the past - Learn to properly interpret your palm lines

Left-hand reveals all about inherited abilities and from it, one can read what the future brings.

Right-hand shows what we have achieved in our lives until the present moment. The “passive hand“ is read for inherited characteristics and the potential of the person. The active hand is read when we want to know something about the changes in these inherited abilities. When the marks of the active and passive hand are very different, it represents a person who has actively and hard worked toward his self-development in every aspect. A right-handed person's active hand will be his or her right hand while the left hand is passive. It is opposite with left-handed people. A person with relatively small hands is considered more active, spending less time thinking about what to do.

This is how to interpret the lines correctly on your palm:

1. The life line

It begins between the thumb and forefinger and passes around the Mount of Venus towards the wrist. If it is long, deep and smooth: good health and long life. Broken and branched line downwards indicates the disease and/or accidents.

2. The headline

It is the middle horizontal line of the palm. If it is long and deep: extensive mind. It falls in one direction: imaginative. The direction that goes upwards: boring, objective.  It has common start with the life line: reasonable and devotional intercourse with the opposite sex. The beginning far above the life line: affection to arrogance and hypocrisy. Small transverse lines through the headline: predisposition towards headaches.

3. The heart line

Above the headline with the opposite flow (from the little finger to the forefinger). Long, deep, smooth: emotions and compassion. The end of the line of the heart between the middle finger and forefinger: graciousness and sacrificing. The end of forefinger: greediness for power. The end behind the forefinger: the devotion of life to only one profession. If the life line and the head line are close, that means that the head dominates over feelings.

See also: Zodiac signs and their characteristics: Aries is a fiercely kisser, Gemini are kings of parties...

4. The destiny line

From the wrist to the middle finger. Very deeply engraved: prescribed destiny determines the life. The destiny line begins in the middle of the palm: late success. The destiny line is missing: a distinctive determined way of life. Interruptions: misfortune. Zig-zag line: bad luck, getting off on the right path.

5. The art line

It goes from the destiny line up to the ring finger. Mainly expressed: artistic talent. If you can see another line next to art line (the money line), one can live from his or her talent. If both lines are missing, there will be neither glory nor happiness. 

Left hand reveals the future, right the past - Learn to properly interpret your palm lines

6. The Mercury line

Right next to the art line, below the little finger. One line, long and firm: business agility. More thin lines: scientific interests. The Mercury line connected with the money or art line: wealth through science and business.

7. The health line

The arch below the Mercury line. Many people might not have it. If present, it indicates health problems, mostly the pain of internal organs.

See also: Zodiac signs and their biggest fear: Gemini is afraid of not being good enough, Virgo is afraid of being figured out by others....

8. The happiness lines

About four lines around the wrist. If they are clear: happiness, but after hard work. If they are absent: there will be no joy.

9. The erotic lines

Small lines on the Mount of Venus. Strong Mount of Venus indicates a distinct sensibility and vitality. Strong, long and parallel lines: strong romantic feelings. Short, weak lines: fewer emotions. Grid lines: the tendency to arguments and short relationships.

10. The line of success

Small lines from the headline to the forefinger. Straight lines: ambition leads to success. Crossed lines: the obstacles on the way to success. Crossed lines are stronger than the line of success: the failure of ambitious plans.

11.  The girdle of Venus

The arch below the middle finger and the ring finger. Closed circle: disappointment in love. Semi-open circle: disappointment will be overcome. More circles: excessive sensitivity complicates ordinary life.

